Northern Hemisphere Animals part 2

Nature is a magical place and a home to a variety of wonderful species of animals. Learn about different animals with science bird!

OWL – a nocturnal preditory bird, which hunts prey with its claws.

PIGEON – a small usually urban bird that comes in many different colours including white, black and most commonly grey.

WOODPECKER – a bird that pecks at trees trying to find insects inside the wood, it has a very strong bill made for pecking.

CROW – a large black bird which can be found both in urban and rural areas.

SEAL – a medium sized mammal that has flippers for limbs and lives in especially cold regions of the world.

PENGUIN – a large bird that has flippers instead of wings, thus it cannot fly. Fun fact! Although penguins are usually associated with the North because of their assumed preference for cold climate, they actually are usually reside in the South.

POLAR BEAR – a large mammal that lives on ice and hunts seal. Polar bear’s fur is actually see-through, not white!

SEA LION – a large seal that usually is found in the Pacific regions.

BEAVER – a large rodent that lives in between water and land, it is known for its signature flattened tail and large teeth, which he uses to chop trees.

ARMADILLO – a medium sized mammal, its body is covered in bone-like scales for protection and it has large claws which allows the animal to dig into the ground at great speeds.

OPOSSUM – a grey and white small animal, which has a unique feature of opposable thumbs.

OTTER – an animal that like beaver lives between water and land. It has very thick and dense fur which keeps the animal warm and webbed feet which allow to swim fast.

PANDA – a large bear family member. Pandas are usually identified by their signature black and white spots. Pandas exclusively feed on bamboos and live only in certain parts of China. It has become dangerously rare.

FLAMINGO – a large pink bird. It is known for its long legs and massive beak. The beak is held upside down in the water in order to catch prey, such as small fish and other water organisms.

RED PANDA – a medium sized mammal known for its red and white stripes and a puffy stripped tail. Just like pandas, red pandas can be found in parts of China. Fun fact! Sometimes red pandas are called the racoons of the east because of their similarities with the North American mammal.

MONKEY – a small or medium sized primate that has a long tail and strong hands. It usually lives in trees and can be found in many tropical countries.

SWAN – a large water bird known for its white feathers and a long flexible neck. Swans have broad and flat bills that allows them to fish easily and short legs with webbed feet that make swimming easy for the bird.

DUCK – a small water bird that has a broad bill for easy fishing. Ducks have webbed feet that help them swim and are known for their waddling, a wobble-like walk, when out of the water.

GOOSE – a medium sized water bird. Geese have long necks and short bills that allow them to fish. Geese are larger than ducks. Fun fact! Although the singular form of the bird’s name is ‘goose’ when several birds are described, the plural form is ‘geese’.

STORK – a very large bird which has long legs and a large beak. Storks are usually identified by their white feathers with black streaks and a orange-red beak.

Want to learn more about animals? Look out for out Southern Hemisphere animal list coming soon to