List of Foods | part 1

Want to learn all about different foods and their types? Check out our lesson on food down below!


Strawberry – although botanically considered a fruit, strawberry is a soft, sweet, red berry with seeds covering its outside.

Blueberry – a small edible darkish berry. Usually found blue but can be almost black.

Raspberry – just like strawberry, raspberry botanically is a fruit. It consists of soft pink bubbles that are clustered together to form a soft sweetsour berry.

Currant – an edible acidic berry, which comes in a variety of different colours including red, black and yellow. Currants are seedless.

Blackberry – a berry of the same family as raspberry, consisting of soft purple and black bubbles.

Gooseberry – a small round edible berry, which comes in several different colours including yellow, green and red. Gooseberry’s skin is see-through and is covered in small hair-like structures.

Want to test your knowledge about berries? Click here to try out our vocabulary quiz.


Banana – botanically considered berries, bananas are widely known as long yellow and sweet fruits. Wild bananas have big black seeds, which are not that common in domesticated breeds.

Pineapple – a large juicy and sweet tropical fruits consisting of edible inside and tough outside, with a leaf crown on top.

Apple – a typically round fruit that comes in variety of colours including variations of red, yellow and green. Apples can also be found in several varying flavours from sweet to sour and even bitter.

Pear – a yellow, green or brown fruit that is narrow at the toppom but plumper at the bottom. Pears are usually sweet but have acidic qualities which allows them to be made into cider.

Orange – a round orange citrus fruit, often from which juices are squeezed.

Grapes – although botanically a berry, grapes are eaten as fruit. Grapes are round, found in green, blue, purple, black and other tones, grow together in a cluster on a wine.

Want to test your knowledge about fruit? Click here to try out our vocabulary quiz.


Potato – a starchy vegetable, which is grown underground. Potatoes are planted from other potatoes rather than seeds.

Onion – a layered vegetbale, which has a strong smell and taste, it usually can make a person tear up. Both the leaves and the plump body of the onion can be eaten and have different flavour from one another.

Carrot – an orange root vegetable, which is grown underground. Only the elongated body is eaten, not the leaves.

Pumpkin – a large plump vegetable, which is typically orange, but can be found in more yellow or brown tones. The outside of the pumpkin is tough but the inside is soft and full of seeds. It can be adjusted to be used in both savoury and sweet dishes depending on seasoning.

Broccoli – botanically considered a cabbage, broccoli bears either green or purple buds that are eaten in savoury dishes.

Tomato – botanically a fruit, tomato is widely considered a red plump vegetable, which grown on stemps and prefers warm temperatures.

Want to test your knowledge about vegetables? Click here to try out our vocabulary quiz.


Beans – an edible seed which comes in many different shapes, sizes and colours.

Peas – a small round green seed that grows in a cluster, can be eaten fresh or dried.

Nuts – botnaically considered a fruit, nuts are edible kernels on the inside with a hard shell on the outside.

Rice – a type of grass that grows in a swamp. Can be boiled to make it edible.

Wheat – a cereal that grows in field, it can be grinded to make flour.

Corn – a small yellow crop that grows in clusters and can be eaten raw, boiled, smoked, seared or marinated.