Want to test your newly acquired knowledge about American slang words and phrases? Take our vocabulary test.
If you do not feel ready yet, click here to read our lesson on American slang expressions.
Below you will find 10 questions about general English language words. Your task is to choose the word out of the 10 slang words provided, which would describe the lexeme given in the question.
#1. Which of the words mean 'car'?
#2. Which of the words mean 'front passanger seat'?
#3. Which of these words mean 'congradulations'?
#4. Which of these words mean 'great' or 'good quality'?
#5. Which of these words mean 'to reschedule'?
#6. Which of these words mean 'attractive person'?
#7. Which of these words mean 'disappointing'?
#8. Which of these words means 'to look or do something impressively'?
#9. Which of these words mean 'gossip'?
#10. Which of these words mean 'to relax'?