Can You Recognize These Means of Transport?

Transportation comes in many different shapes, sizes and can be used in different settings.

Below you will find 10 pictures of different types of transport. Write the titles of the transportation devices in the space provided.

Remember! The answer space is NOT case sensitive. Make sure your answer starts with a capital letter and the rest of the word is in lower case. Example: Transport.



#1. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?

#2. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?

#3. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?

#4. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?

#5. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?

#6. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?

#7. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?

#8. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?

#9. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?

#10. Which means of transport is depicted in the illustration?


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